PARSIFAL (Protection and Trust in Financial Infrastructures) is a European research project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), started in September 2008 for 18 months. The research area is Critical infrastructure protection (CIP), focussing on the Critical Financial Infrastructure (CFI).
Project motivation
The September 11 terrorist attacks raised the awareness for the protection of critical infrastructure as an international concern. The European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) lists 11 sectors of critical infrastructure including the Critical Financial Infrastructure. The topic Challenges for the Protection of Critical ICT-Based Financial Infrastructures was raised and the project introduced at the conference 2008 in Madrid of the Information Security Solutions Europe (ISSE).
The project PARSIFAL (an acronym for Protection And tRuSt In FinanciAL infrastructures) aims to better protect CFI as well as Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) that link CFI with other critical infrastructure in Europe. It is funded by FP7 as a Coordination Action.
Project objectives
*Bringing together CFI research stakeholders
*Contributing to the understanding of CFI challenges
*Developing longer term visions, research roadmaps, CFI scenarios and best practice guides
*Coordinating the relevant research work, knowledge and experiences
Project description
PARSIFAL is aiming to bring together critical financial infrastructure stakeholders in the public and private sphere to provide a platform of communication for the research community, the European Commission and the industry, and to build a large consensus in the financial, security, industrial and scientific community. Small and medium enterprises in this field are contacted and involved, as well as European Academia and research organisations, and brought together with relevant national or regional actors in the critical infrastructure protection and financial sector.
PARSIFAL works towards its long term vision by setting short-term project objectives, to be fulfilled during the project lifetime, as well as coordinating actions and research road mapping that contribute to an effective and faster fulfillment of the vision.
PARSIFAL is focussed on CFI and the involvement of stakeholders from the financial sector and will dedicate special attention to the relation between the protection of CII and CFI and trust, the key business requirement in the financial world.
Materials, such as position papers, are prepared and confidentially circulated among the partners in order to stimulate discussion and opinion exchange. Personal meeting is encouraged at workshops, enabling a structured and strategic dialogue between stakeholders from the financial industry and researchers who can directly exchange their views and discuss future scenarios and challenges from different perspectives.
Two workshops took place in Frankfurt in 2009. The first workshop in March yielded a detailed report of the results, recommending eight areas for future research. They are documented in a final paper and summarized in an abstract.
Parsifal Project Recommendations
The findings of the project are discussed at international conferences such as the Data Security '10. The recommendations of the project were presented at a meeting of the European Finance Forum on 7 June 2010 in Hamburg.
The findings of Parsifal were reflected at the conference TOTh 2010 in Annecy in June 2010, "Ontologies des risques financiers, Continuité d’activité, gestion de crise, protection des infrastructures critiques financières" of the University of Savoie.
The book "Protecting Critical Infrastructure in the EU", a 2010 CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels) task force report of 106 pages, chaired by Bernhard Hämmerli (President of the Swiss Informatics Society) takes the project into account.
*ACRIS GmbH Switzerland
*ATOS Origin SAE Spain (coordinator)
*AVOCO Secure Ltd United Kingdom
*[ @bc - Arendt Business Consulting] Germany
*EDGE International BV Netherlands
*[ Telecommunications Software & Systems Group (TSSG)] at the Waterford Institute of Technology Ireland
in cooperation with
*European Finance Forum a not-for-profit organization to foster exchange of financial know-how and networking, with locations in Frankfurt, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Vienna, Amsterdam, Luxembourg
Related project
*CoMiFin Communication middleware for monitoring financial CI, an FP7 project
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