Parkville Middle and Center of Technology

Parkville Middle School is a zone and a magnet school. It is zoned for the Parkville Area of Maryland.
Children from all across Baltimore County, Maryland can attend school there on their magnet program. Their magnet program consists of Mass Communications, Visual Graphic Arts, Environmental Sciences, and Applied Engineering/Technology Education.
Parkville Middle used to be a high school but it turned into a middle school. It has one of the best reputations in school terms which benefited from the Magnet Program. In order to get into the school's magnet program, you have to take the test which you can ask your guidance counselor about. It consists of questions that you should know but still prepare for. Kids around the school get into the school but don't get into the magnet program unless you take the test. They have many clubs consisting of music, drama, Art, Engineering, Newspaper, and more. They usually take place before school starts or after school so they will need a ride afterwords. You can also check your grades, missing work, and absents throughout the quarters on the Parkville Edline Program. When you get into the school, usually the Edline account is about 5 dollars. Then further along the tour before school starts, you head into the Gym and need to buy a uniform that usually costs thirty dollars. In the building, we start from where the office is to the left the 8th grade hallway (Blue Hallway) then we make our way down to the Auditorium and School Store. The school store is open only in Homeroom, the Auditorium is open to Bands, Plays, Drama Club, Assemblies, and movies. Then we go up the dungeon staircase,we find the 6th grade hallway (Purple Hallway). Then we head down to the end and find music rooms, but we need to turn left and head into the Teal Hallway. There is an elevator but is only used for injured people on the left. Then when we turn right, we find the Science Hallway (Green Hallway). Here we find the Science classrooms of all grades, the printer room, then at the end is the band room. We go down the staircase and find the cafeteria and gym to our right. We go left though into the Gold Hallway where there is the Health classrooms, Special Education Classrooms, Guidance Office, and Restrooms. We are now at the corner where the elevator is and we take the same staircase up. We now go forward into the Teal Hallway which consists of a computer lab, 8th grade classrooms, 7th and 6th grade math classrooms. Then there is a window and staircase if we go any further. We go down this staircase and another then find ourselves next to the Engineering room. We make a right turn and find a computer lab and 7th grade classrooms. We pass the engineering room and go up the staircase to find us in the Pink Hallway. This has all the Art Classrooms, A & E Engineering, VGA, then we head up and turn right into the library. This has many books with a computer lab of its own and also is an English classroom. Then when we are at the Library entrance we face the Masscomm door. If we go inside we find a classroom with CDs (I'll explain later), we turn right and find a News Room with Cameras, a PTV table, and an interview room. Then we go back into the control room where they control PTV! Now I'll explain, they broadcast PTV which is the announcements in homeroom. There is 5 people and the teacher in the control room, 3 camera people, and 4 talents. There might be an interviewer sometimes when something huge happens ( School President Speech, Principal Speech, etc.) Then we go through the door at the end of the control room and find yet another computer lab. Then if we go through the door at the end of that computer lab, we find ourselves yet again in the library.
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