Papen County

Papen County is a fictional U.S. county and the primary setting of the ABC comedy-drama Pushing Daisies. Although the real-life location of Papen County is never given explicitly, several clues point to the northwest coast of the United States.
Papen County takes its name from the wealthy Dutch-American Papen family, whom Emerson Cod refers to as the "first family of Papen County". The Papens' wealth came from their commercial real estate empire which include a hotel, amusement park, the Papen County Historical Society, and several south Asian call centers. The county has a sizeable Dutch-American population, and Olive Snook notes that there are around 50 Papens still living in the county.
The city of Lakeshore is the county seat of Papen County and contains most of the primary locations within the series, which include:
*The Liberty Apartments building, a six story Beaux-Arts building which houses The Pie Hole on the ground floor and the Liberty Apartments complex above where Ned and Olive are next door tenants. (The building has 8 stories and is painted yellow in the second season.) The building features an atrium with a skylight. A torch, similar to that of the Statue of Liberty, is displayed at the top along with the word "LIBERTY" written vertically. The sign also says "Since 1900", possibly referring to the year the building was completed. The building also has an accessible roof where Ned and Chuck sometimes share private conversations. They also illegally keep bees there. The building is somewhat modeled after the Flatiron Building in New York.
*A two story building which houses a Chinese restaurant on the ground floor and Emerson Cod's office upstairs
*The City Morgue where Emerson and Ned communicate with murder victims
*Broadview Luxury Apartments complex, a tall apartment building near The Pie Hole, depicted in the fourth episode of the first season
*Balsam's Bittersweets Taffy and Sweets Emporium, a candy store across the street from The Pie Hole
*The Conjurer's Castle, a magic show venue
*Come & Sleep Hotel
*The Pop-up Palace, a bookstore devoted entirely to pop-up books
*The Bellmen, a charity organization
Other places in Papen County
*The town of North Thrush where the Longborough School for Boys is located. Ned's father took him to Longborough after his mother died. Several episodes begin with flashbacks from Ned's time there in which he would learn a lesson that would be applicable to his current situation.
*Emerson Cod's Office, located above Sun Yet Restaurant, a dim sum restaurant.
*Dandelion Car Company research facility
*VonRoenn Windmill
*Betty's Bees, company that produces honey merchandises.
*Sisters of the Divine Magnatum, a nunnery that Olive joins temporarily. Lily also spent time at the nunnery and it was there that she gave birth to Chuck.
*My Best Friend Inc. a company that allows clients to hire frescorts to befriend them.
*Papen Harbor Lighthouse, home of the McQuoddy family
*Papen County Convention Center, venue of the Comfort Food Cook Off which Ned and Olive participate.
*Dicker's Department Store
*Papen County Prison, a castle-like facility where most of the murderers are kept.
Couer d'Couers
The town of Couer d'Couers, also written Coeur d'Coeur (; , "heart of hearts"), is the town where the Pushing Daisies story begins. It is Ned and Chuck's home town and the present home of Lily and Vivian. It is located 131 miles due south of Lakeshore, thus placing it outside of Papen County limits as well as The Pie Hole's regular delivery zones. It nevertheless contains many important locations, which include:
*Ned's childhood home, the house where Ned lived with both parents until age nine when his mother died. Ned's father abandoned the house at the same time he abandoned Ned. When Ned returns 19 years later the house is empty and boarded up. It is later used by Chuck to hide her father. The house is a two story white house with dormers.
*Chuck's childhood home, the house where Chuck lived with Charles, Lily, and Vivian until she was murdered. After Chuck's death, Lily and Vivian turned Chuck's room into a cheese locker. Olive is a frequent visitor at the house as a result of her making pie deliveries there. The house is painted in vibrant colors and features a large front porch. In the years since Charles Charles's death, a tall iron fence was added around the yard.
*Boutique Travel Travel Boutique, a travel agency
*Couer d'Couers Funeral Home (later called Schatz Brothers Funeral Home), the place of Chuck's funeral and resurrection, as well as a subsequent investigation
*The cemetery, burial place of Ned's mother, Chuck's father, and Chuck's empty coffin. In the first episode the burial plots are located across a steep hill. In subsequent episodes the same cemetery is show on level ground with more trees around and next to a body of water.
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