Paolo Zagami

Paolo Zagami (born 14 February 1977) is an International Business Lawyer, Writer, Legal/Economic Analyzer, Associate Professor, Vice President of the Association European Lawyers Event, Honorary Representative of the American Chamber of Commerce and an expert advisor on international business practices and export trade law.
Graduated from the Law School of the University of Rome “LUISS Guido Carli” and received his LLM degree from the “New York Law School”. He was also an English solicitor and entitled to exercise all over the continent as European Lawyer and taught at the International Academy of Rome and at the American Temple University. Currently he is an Associate Professor of Commercial Law at the university “Mediterranea".
He is the founder and main partner of the International Law firm “Zagamilaw” which has at this stage offices, branches and representatives in Italy, United States, United Kingdom and Singapore. He was also founder and regional director of the organization “Italia Futura”, local manager of the association “Il Trust in Italia”, co-founder and president of the non-profit organization “Cesdi - Centro Studi per il Diritto Internazionale” whose main aim is to promote research on the law in general and private international law in particular and founder and chairman of “REAL”, an organization striving for creating a professional network among all the legal professionals and law firms involved in real estate.
Works and Publications
Paolo Zagami has authored with Rubbettino Editore a trilogy of books on the International Companies with titles in 2013 the “L’Impresa Internazionale tra Paesi di Common Law e MIST”, in 2015 the “L’Impresa Internazionale nei cosiddetti Paradisi Fiscali” and in 2019 the “L’Impresa Internazionale e le Riforme del Sistema Italia" and has also written numerous economic and legal scientific articles published in national and international journals and is regularly a speaker at Conferences in Italy and abroad. He has institutional relationships with various foreign Embassies in Italy and its professional and research activity is focused on the macro-economic analysis of the international relations between States from the point of view of the commercial consequences concerning the development of business.
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