
PangeaMT is a translation platform created by Pangeanic. It was the first the implementation of European FP7 research translation algorithm Moses from Euromatrixplus at a translation company commercial purposes. It was built in collaboration with Valencia's Polytechnic and ITI (Computer Science Institute)
The platform has been built on an open source philosophy. The platform's statistically based translation software makes use of recent advances in automated translation, whilst adding powerful pre-processing and post-processing modules to overcome academic research. Until the early 1990s, practically all production-level machine translation technologies relied on large collections of language rules which built similarities between language pairs. These collections analyzed the source sentence, and then mapped the syntactic and semantic structure into the target language. New approaches utilize statistical techniques from https://en. .org/wiki/Pattern_recognition and specifically from the group at Valencia's Polytechnic ( The research applies machine learning algorithms that can acquire models automatically from existing parallel collections of human translations in the same way as Google Translate and other systems which follow Prof. Koehn's own open source Moses tool for SMT like https://en. .org/wiki/Asia_Online.
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