
Over-Kill is a fictional character in the comic book, .
Fictional character biography
Overt-Kill is a psychopathic Sicilian mob enforcer and Spawn's first major enemy. He was introduced by Don Tony Twist to kill Spawn, and was a difficult opponent for the newly born Hellspawn to deal with. He boasts augmented strength and speed, a sadistic battle fury and a strong, if not misguided, sense of his own invulnerability.
In one of his first appearances he is taken down by the police marksman Twitch, who fires one bullet into his vulnerable ear.
Overt-Kill has also gone by the name of OvertWar. Over the course of his career he has been dismantled three times.
In an episode of The Comic Book Greats, Stan Lee set Rob Liefeld and Todd McFarlane the challenge of designing a character in twenty minutes from a name he gave them "Over Kill" the character they came up with had many similarities with and was the basis for Overt-Kill.
Powers and abilities
As a cyborg Overt-Kill has cybernetically enhanced strength, speed and senses. Overt-Kill also wields numerous high powered weapons including armor-piercing guns, mounted rockets and laser cannons.
Name dispute
Overt-Kill was originally supposed to be called Overkill. However, there was a character called Overkill in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (the former Taserface).
In other media
* In the ' episode "No Rest, No Peace," Overt-Kill (known here as "Overkill" and voiced by James Hanes) appears as one of Spawn's earliest foes. He manages to beat Spawn easily while losing a cybernetic eye, but later is literally smashed to pieces after a bloody battle, his gory fragments dumped in Tony Twist's car. In "Dominoes," Tony Twist sent his liaison to the visiting Italian Mob to beg for forgiveness on what happened to Overkill. Later that night, Tony Twist is visited by Jason Wynn who gives him a box containing his liaison's head with a note from Italian Mob pinned to it stating "We're not happy with what happened to Overkill."
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