Original Animation on YouTube
YouTube has become a new home for original animators. There are numerous animators, both professional and amateur, that upload their animated cartoon videos and even animated series to YouTube. The following is a list of YouTube channels that upload original animation to YouTube in order of subscribers from greatest to least. *Explosm Entertainment, 7.2m subscribers *Domics, 4.2m subscribers *Jaiden Animations, 1.9m subscribers *The Odd1sOut, 3.4m subscribers *AnimatedJames, 557k subscribers *Tonyvtoons, 553k subscribers *CypherDen, 221k subscribers *GingerPale, 83.1k subscribers *The Animation Workshop, 60.8k subscribers *Zaim Animations, 41.8k subscribers *No Idea Animations, 12.4k subscribers *Force Animations, 6.6k subscribers *Froyohead Animations, 3.9k subscribers *Animation Spoon, 870 subscribers *Seth Hamm Productions, 4 subscribers