Oriental Empires

Oriental Empires is a turn based 4x strategy game that’s being developed by R.T. Smith and John Carline, two developers who previously worked together on known titles such as the Total War series. The game set in ancient China is currently in closed Beta and is scheduled to release in Q3 2016. The goal of the game is to become ruler of ancient China and be recognized as the Son of Heaven.
Oriental Empires is a civilization-building turn based 4x strategy PC game that covers roughly 1500BC to 1500AD of China’s history. Players can play as one of the 16 different factions and can play in both single player and multiplayer.
* Han
* Shang
* Zhou
* Ba
* Qin
* Chu
* Dong Yi
* Min Yue
* Dog Rong
* Xiongnu
* Dingling
* Wu
* White Di
* Xianbei
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