Organic data entry

Organic data entry is a text based, interface methodology for entering data for a single or plurality of fields in a target database. Through a command-line interface (CLI), the method allows users to enter a single composite data string (CLI) to generate data as database input.
Key for ODE is an interpreter mechanism to analyse the text input in order to perform database input in correct fields.
This organic input method is opposed to the traditional database data entry methods. Traditionally, data are entered field by field, for instance "given name" in the given name database field or "zip" in the zip database field through a graphical user interface (GUI).
The method has similarities to organic search which is allowing the user to enter a single composite search string.
Traditional database data entry is done through a structured form in a database interface or on web or through other, similar field based interfaces.
In daily database use, data entering and data search are key tasks. The same way as data are entered field by field in a database, search terms can be entered in one or several matching search fields. In many user situations and from many devices, this kind of GUI is standard methodology. ODE provide an option to us command-line interfaces which simplifies this by allowing entry in several database fields through one line and with multiple words, often combined with logic gates as AND, OR and NOT.
With the expansion of the World Wide Web came the need for performing fast searches. The organic search method became successful by enabling inexperienced database users to perform both simple and complex searches without prior education or experience, or logic gates knowledge. Search engines convert the search strings to computer language and present organic search results.
Organic entry as opposed to organic search
Organic Data Entry is utilizing the CLI method for new purposes, bypassing the need and use of GUI the same way most search engine proivders only use a single search field for text entry.
When search engine software analyse and convert search strings for the purpose of presenting search results, organic data entry software analyse and convert composite data strings in order to present a database entry instead.
Since users are well accustomed to entering organic search strings, they in general easily adapt the organic data entry method.
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