Operation Fourth Wave Feminism

Operation Fourth Wave Feminism refers to a series of hoax feminist movements perpetuated by users of the image board 4chan. The project itself was instigated by 4chan's "Random" (/b/) and "Politics" (/pol/) boards following the success of another feminism-related hoax perpetuated by the board known as Operation Bikini Bridge (which reached the attention of mainstream media), and aimed to use social media to create a false "fourth" wave of feminism which would emphasize "the attractiveness and sexualization of skinny and fit female bodies", and ultimately create a "civil war" between second wave and third wave feminists.
Bikini bridge
The project was spawned by an initial hoax movement in January 2014 by 4chan, which attempted to popularize "bikini bridges" (women wearing bikini bottoms suspended between their hips, exposing a "bridge" on the pelvis) as a trend on social networking websites similar to the thigh gap, but denouncing it as thinspiration at the same time. Users of the 4chan board "/b/" created manipulated images, fake celebrity testimonials, and other content relating to bikini bridges, and posted them on social networks such as Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter. At the same time, users also created fake content which criticized bikini bridges for being "unhealthy obsession". After generating interest, users began to circulate the content on "parts of the Internet known to be biased on the subject of weight" to provoke negative reactions. They then declared the movement part of Operation Fourth Wave Feminism, designed to "decimate the feminist movement as it actually exists".
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