
OpenLDev is a graphical front-end to Linux development tools such as gcc, GNU autotools and make. OpenLDev strives to provide an easy-to-use interface that is both productive for experts and simple for beginners.
After two and a half years since the first release 0.1.0 on September 5, 2004 development has been halted after the release of the first final stable version 1.0 from March 28, 2007 and the website was shut down. In a small note put on instead of the original website they recommend using the also free and based IDE Anjuta as an alternative.
OpenLDev uses the GtkSourceView widget for all editing capabilities. Here is a short list of some of the features supported in the latest versions of the application:
* Source code editor with syntax highlighting and automatic indentation
* Makefile editor that allows you to manage large projects
* Automatic completion of code
* Built in terminal using libvte
* C, and project templates
* Plugin system created with GModule
Rockhopper (1.0)
The current development branch of OpenLDev, code-named Rockhopper after the Rockhopper Penguin, includes a completed plugin API and custom widgets for easy reference in plugins. It also includes work towards adding internationalization support in this branch using gettext.
Possible future plugins for this version include:
* CVS & Subversion repository management
* Library dependency aggregator
* Debugger support (gdb)
* Project importer from KDevelop and Anjuta
* Integration of Glade Interface Designer 3 interface
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