Open Fairways

Open Fairways is a non-profit organization based in Denver, Colorado whose aim is improving the lives of at-risk and underprivileged children through the game of golf by promoting the game's values of honor, etiquette and respect.

The organization targets at-risk and underprivileged youth ages 7 to 17 from social service agencies, the juvinile justice system and other facilities for abused and neglected children. Programs concentrate on developing social competencies and promoting honesty and integrity both on and off the golf course with an emphasis on enjoyment over ability. After participants complete the four-day golf clinic taught by PGA teaching professionals and supported by volunteer mentors, the children are asked to sign a "player contract", pledging to stay in school, off drugs, and out of gangs. In return, they are entitled to the free use of equipment and range balls at designated golf facilities until the age of 18. Open Fairways serves children in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Texas, New Mexico and Washington, D.C.

PGA Professional Craig Stadler serves as Honorary Chairman. The organization has been endorsed by the United States Golf Association, Colorado Golf Association and PGA Professionals John Daly, Jason Gore, Kirk Triplett and Tiger Woods' swing coach Hank Haney.

Open Fairways was founded in Denver, Colorado in 1999 by Tim Taylor. Jay Anderson serves as the organization's Executive Director.


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