On Foot Through Gulag Land

On Foot through Gulag Land is a nine-part documentary series by Hungarian film director Zoltan Szalkai.
Series synopsis
The series shows Szalkai's experiences during his search for the remains of the one-time Gulag camps in the former Soviet Union. He covered several thousand kilometres by foot, recording life today in the former Gulag regions, as well as surprising encounters, testimonies and reminiscences.
*On Foot through Gulag Land - Northern Urals (2000)
*On Foot through Gulag Land - Kolima (2003)
*On Foot through Gulag Land - Polar Urals (2004)
*On Foot through Gulag Land - Angara (2005)
*On Foot through Gulag Land - Kazakhstan (2006)
*On Foot through Gulag Land - Karelia (2007)
*On Foot through Gulag Land - Taymir-Norilsk (2012)
*On Foot through Gulag Land - The Transpolar Railway (2013)
*On Foot through Gulag Land - The Northernmost Camps (2014)
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