Omer Tarin

Omer Tarin (born 1967), also spelled Omar Tarin, is a Pakistani poet.
Career and poetry
Tarin was born in Peshawar in North-West Frontier Province (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa). He was educated at the Burn Hall School (now Army Burn Hall College), Abbottabad and the Aitchison College, Pakistan, prior to graduating from the University of the Punjab, Lahore. He has published five volumes of poetry in English, including A Sad Piper (1994), as well as poems published elsewhere later. From 2008 to 2015 he ran an education institute in Northern Pakistan.
Omer Tarin's poetry is deeply influenced by the mystic tradition of the Sufi and Bhakti poets Tarin has also an interest in and Japanese Culture and haiku and Buddhism. One of Tarin's early poetic mentors was Taufiq Rafat, one of the pioneers of English poetry in Pakistan/South Asia, and a scholar of Punjabi Sufic poetry. Tariq Rahman has commented on Rafat's influence on Tarin and has said that "a certain force of vitality" and creative "intensity" is to be found in Tarin's writings.
According to some critics Tarin's poetic style is marked by 'evocative imagery' and a 'musical quality'.
Tarin's publications include:
* A Sad Piper: Poems (1994 first edition)
* The Anvil of Dreams: Poems (1995)
* Burnt Offerings, Poems (1996)
* The Harvest Season of Love Songs: Poems (1997)
* Riverbeds Flowing: Poems (1999; reprint 2009) privately published in limited editions
* Sepoys and Sowars: Historical Essays (2000)
* Selected Shorter Essays (2011)
* From Hill and Plain: Selected Short Stories (2011)
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