Olle Alsholm

Olle Alsholm, born June 25, 1937 in Uddevalla Sweden, is a Swedish business leader.
He grew up in Dals Långed, studied chemical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology with an MSc 1961. Alsholm further studied at Columbia University in 1963-64 resulting in another MS. He then worked at IBM R & D in San Jose, California, and returned to Sweden in 1965 to participate in and from 1966 to lead a joint pioneer project between IBM Nordic Laboratory and Billerud at Gruvön for planning and computer control of an integrated pulp and paper mill.
Olle Alsholm was in 1978 appointed VP research, development and technology first in Billerud AB and later in the merged Billerud-Uddeholm. When Stora bought Billerud in 1983, he was appointed President of Stora Technology with research Centers in Falun and Säffle.
In the years 1990-2001 Olle Alsholm was CEO of the Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute STFI (today Innventia AB).
Alsholm has been a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA, since 1991.
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