OK model

OK Model

Observing Knowledge (OK) Model is a model designed to perceive knowledge from the basic scientific learning skills, which are naturally learned skills of human beings.

OK model is composed of the following 4 steps.

1. Observation is the act of noticing or paying attention to any material thing or action which uses the different senses of an individual. Observation can also be done by using some observation tools which helps human beings to undergo a keen observation to a certain specimens to be used in further scientific studies.

2. Comparison and Classification

Comparison is the act of perceiving resemblances and contrasts, similarities and differences of a certain thing or act.

Classification is the grouping together of different material things or acts with resemblances or similarities.

3. Transferring (from previous knowledge)is the application of skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation.

4. Inferring (to generate knowledge)is the act of drawing conclusion through reasons from gathered facts and evidences of the step 1-3 above.

The OK model can conclusion as the facts which were gained observation will then be use to compare and classify using their similarities and differences and / or resemblances and contrasts, then be transfer to similar situation before drawing conclusion through inferring method.

How do we integrate OK model in teaching technique?

The OK model is the most strategy that used in EIS curriculum approach in the EISP.


Farlex clipart collection © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Ngamsom,Surapong. A New Model for Bilingual Education -- English for Integrated Studies Curriculum(EISC): A Case Study at Suntornphu Pittaya Secondary School. SPSS,Thailand,2006

See also
* English for Integrated Studies Project
* http://school.obec.go.th/sunthonphu/
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