Oil field families

Oil field families are the immediate families of people who work in oil fields.
Level 2Beginnings
no indent (normal)No matter if it has been 1 year to 20 years there is still the loneliness that follows the leaving of a husband/dad. In the beginning it is difficult to watch him drive away. Usually early in the morning because the drive is far and reporting is early in the morning or the boat or helicopter will leave with. (Basically if he gets left- he needs to find another job-he has been run-off).
no indent (normal)It is very difficult to maintain a marriage. A wife considers herself as a single, married wife (oil field widow). She wears many hats for instance; mom, dad, yard service, construction worker, science fair guru, etc. It is important to make contact with someone that will be able to fill in for the oil field worker, ie., church, close family members, neighbors. Then if the occasional leak or breaker fuse goes out and it break, pipe burst, washer quits, the element in the dryer goes out, tire blows, she will have a helper to patch up these challenges that can’t wait.
Level 3Time is stretched
no indent (normal)No matter if your shift is 7/7, 14/14, 28/28, others including the immediate families of the oil field family have a very difficult time understanding that life changes when the husband /dad comes home. There is only limited time to have together and they have to make the best of it as they can. The whole routine is uprooted so maximum time can be crammed into the short time he is home.
Level 4Holidays
no indent (normal)Holidays are held when husband/dad can be there. There have been many times when the hitch is working out so a holiday can be shared with all of the multi families. Excitement is high and plans are being made-finally we can be like “normal” people. This is short lived because a hand has been run off and the tool pusher changes his people to fill the gap in the hitch. Hearing this news, an oil field family cringes to prepare for the call that their husband/dad is being called back. Now all of the plans and excitement of being home for a holiday is turned into angry, upsetness and regret. Regret for having this lifestyle.
Level 5Money
no indent (normal)There have been many times the words “I can’t stand it and I quit”. If he has been in the field it is difficult to remove themselves due to the money and the things already bought, knowing that money will continue to replenish.<ref name="wash times" />
Level 6Myths
no indent (normal)Not all oil field workers have a large amount of money. Each family is different with their financial responsibilities. The difference can also because land rigs and off shore rigs pay different. There must be a consideration of the job title of the oil field worker. A roustabout makes much less than a driller, and a driller makes much less than the company man.
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