Obadiah School of the Bible

Obadiah School of the Bible, is a educational institution that came in to existence in 1974, and is located in the United States of America, Bethel, Pennsylvania. The name "Obadiah" in Hebrew means a “Servant of Yahweh”, and is the name given to graduates of Obadiah School of the Bible, operated by the Assemblies of Yahweh.
Obadiah School of the Bible was founded in 1974, after the plan was presented by members of the Assemblies of Yahweh, to Jacob O Meyer at the 1973 Feast of Tabernacles. The intention was that such an educational institution could serve as a foundation for students who had made their choice to become servants of Yahweh, rather than servants of men (see Obadiah). Such an institution purpose was therefore, to give students a higher level of understanding on the Bible so that they would be strong witnesses in the world. Nonetheless, for several decades other subjects have also been taught within the institution. Obadiah School was envisioned at the very beginning of the Assemblies of Yahweh ministry:
An Educational Institution
In an article (Obadiah School of the Bible in Review) which appeared in The Sacred Name Broadcaster, p2 (9/2008) it states:
: In the article, the reason for opening Obadiah School is generally attributed to teach purity of doctrine in a spiritual atmosphere, rather than to follow doctrines that are taught in other institutions - yet not supported by the Bible. Meyer believed that education taught in worldly institutions produced bad character traits because of the general disregard to the authenticity of the Biblical texts.
School of the Prophets
According to the Biblical account, they were education assistants for Elijah (); and it appears that Elisha was one of those assistants (); () etc. Some commentators have suggested that “sons of the prophets” referred to the educational program that was directed by the prophet, whether by Elijah, or later - by his successor Elisha. It is possible therefore, that a similar type Obadiah school may have produced the assistants of the great prophets, Elijah and Elisha.
Obadiah Fraternity
Obadiah Fraternity - interpreted meaning “Brethren serving Yahweh” - was the name of the Assemblies of Yahweh speaking group, set up to aid young men in oratory. Each member of the group would have the opportunity to speak before a group of congenial peers. Obadiah Fraternity existed before Obadiah School of the Bible. Reports suggest interest in Obadiah School of the Bible is growing .
Dropsie University
Obadiah Schools purpose according to Meyer , is “to teach the pure truth of Yahweh’s Word”. Under Pennsylvanian state laws, Obadiah school could not be registered with state authorities as a “seminary” or college”, however, the Assemblies of Yahweh have no plans to obtain this level of accreditation, based on the previous statement.
Often Obadiah School is compared to Dropsie University in its outlook towards education. Since Jacob O. Meyer attended Biblical classes there, studying Biblical languages (Hebrew) and Biblical texts, Meyer has always spoken highly of Dropsie University . Moses Aaron Dropsie (1821-1905), was a wealthy half-Jewish religious convert who willed his entire fortune to
No tuition fee is charged for Obadiah School of the Bible. The only fee is a $25.00 fee (originally $10.00), assigned to help pay for fundamental expenses, such as electricity, photocopying, material transparencies used by the instructors and other teaching aides. Obadiah school has been commended for its non-profit stance for such a small, cohesive, religious group. Each student is required to pay for his or her own textbooks, although those who cannot pay sometimes offer their labour voluntarily to the Assemblies of Yahweh in lieu of any charges. The Assemblies of Yahweh has accepted such offers in the past.
Sacrifice of Love
Unlike most religious groups, the teachers of the Assemblies of Yahweh, including Jacob O Meyer (the directing elder of the Assemblies of Yahweh), has never received any remuneration of any kind for their time and teaching. Such efforts are often described as an act of love and of sacrifice, as it is estimated that had the teachers demanded wages paid by other educational institutions, they could have had millions of dollars in wages (This estimation is based on average wage of University lecturer). For such an educational institution, Meyer believes that education is not a matter of personal gain, but a matter of magnanimity. Disgruntlement about wages seldom exists within the Assemblies of Yahweh and no strikes have ever occurred.
Obadiah’s Library
The Obadiah library consists of over 10,000 books at preset, which has been remarked by College and Seminary professors as “outstanding”
for such a small organization. It’s intention is to keep the students reading and provide plenty of research material for those interested in such an endeavour. Although the primary concentration is Bible, other courses are taught in general history, mathematics, geography and computer science. The Assemblies of Yahweh have plans to rebuild Obadiah School and Dalet School, having the library situated between both buildings in the future, but funding such a project would be costly and therefore, this plan has been postponed.
The Assemblies of Yahweh have a good reputation and believe firmly that convicted people in the world should be baptized and attend Obadiah School of the Bible to become valuable assets “for the glory of Yahweh”. The Assemblies of Yahweh often encourage strongly this path on the belief that many baptized members and quickly led astray by false teachers because some are not routed to sound doctrine. Due to the schedule, students are able to work in the day at their jobs, and attend in the evening. Some choose to work for the Assemblies of Yahweh on campus, volunteering their spare time in forwarding the ministry. Obadiah School is not considered an elaborate or majestic institution. Graduate Obadiah’s are seen as men and women capable of witnessing their faith, and living lives according to the Bible; keeping the commandments of Yahweh and holding the faith of Yahshua ().
Faithful Obadiahs
Graduate Obadiahs are expected to continue faithful to the Assemblies of Yahweh and to become shining examples to the world. Obadiah School’s intention is to create faithful members to the Assemblies of Yahweh, scrutinizing the original Biblical texts and elucidating the importance of Yahweh and Yahshua, and the Biblical commandments.
Graduate Obadiahs
The term “Graduate Obadiah” is given to those who have successfully completed their training as an obadiah at Obadiah School. However, unlike most titles associated with educational graduation, the title does not apply to “Obadiah’s” who have not remained faithful to the Assemblies of Yahweh: since an Obadiah means a “servant of Yahweh”, this reason becomes quite clear. Students can take over three years in training. Since the Assemblies of Yahweh is maintained only through voluntary contributions, students often choose to remain on the grounds and assist the Assemblies of Yahweh ministry in everything they are practically and physically able to do.
Study and Work
Consequently, Obadiah School of the Bible is not simply about the studying of the Bible, it is about fulfilling the meaning of the word “Obadiah” (servant of Yahweh)- by doing whatever needs to be done in the vicinity. This can include a variety of roles, but all Obadiah’s are willing, voluntary workers. The word “study” actually comes from a word meaning “to press forward”. Graduate Obadiah’s are a rare find, but are supposed to be equipped with great Bible knowledge and perform their roles as servants of Yahweh - aiding the ministry in every way possible, while keeping the Biblical Law. Graduate Obadiah’s are respected in the ministry, and have a higher rank than missionaries.
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