Oak Circle

The townhouse style apartments are designed to give upperclassmen the freedom to live independently. Each townhouse has a fully furnished kitchen with a refrigerator, stove and dishwasher and includes two bathrooms, one on each floor.

The original townhouses at Bryant University. The townhouses were built in 1992 and are still used for seniors. The townhouses were originally named Old and New, but with the addition of a third set of townhouses the university decided to name each set of townhouses. These are named Oak Circle because the townhouses are setup in a circle, with ones on the outside and others on the inside of the circle. The Oak comes from the large amount of Oak trees in this section. The townhouses in Oak Circle are organized by letters and numbers. They are lettered from A thru G, with each letter having numbers 1-8. So the townhouses go A1-A8, B1-B8 etc... down to G. They are set up to house 5 seniors. Three of the seniors have singles and then there is one room that holds two seniors.
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