The Oak Bay Green Committee (OBGC) is a community grassroots volunteer organization in Oak Bay, British Columbia. It was formed in early 2005 after a developer cut down a venerable beech tree in South Oak Bay. Neighbours were upset by the loss of the tree and the lack of comprehensive tree protection bylaws in the municipality for which they lobbied Oak Bay Mayor and Council members to create better tree protection bylaws. The OBGC's initial activism stemmed from the belief that mature trees of all species, on public and private land, need better stewardship from the community. After almost two years of community groups, individuals, the mayor, and council working together, Oak Bay Municipality adopted Tree Protection Bylaw 4326 on August 21, 2006. The OBGC continues to promote awareness of the importance of having an urban forest in the community. Although the OBGC formed as an ad hoc committee working for better tree protection bylaws, the OBGC decided to continue on as a local environmental group and work on other community-based environmental initiatives. Other OBGC projects include community school visits, Oak Bay Library environmental displays, a sewage treatment alliance, a soft plastic recycling depot, community climate change awareness, and a "no engine idling" campaign.