Nukes and UFOs

Nukes and UFOs refers to a conspiracy theory that aliens in UFOs are interfering with nuclear weapons projects. The theory has risen to prominence in May 2013 after a hearing organized by the Paradigm Research Group at the National Press Club. Former lawmakers and members of the United States Congress were paid $20,000 each to investigate claims of activity involving extra terrestrials at nuclear weapons facilities in the United States and United Kingdom between the 1960s and 1980s. The aim of the hearing was to establish whether UFOs were interested in nuclear weapons, and to promote that they are real. Members of the hearing committee included Mike Gravel, Darlene Hooley, Lynn Woolsey, Merrill Cook Roscoe Bartlett and Carolyn Kilpatrick.
Evidence was given by retired Captains Robert Salas, David Schindele and Bruce Fenstermacher. Also testifying was a retired Security Policeman Sgt. David Scott. Salas had previously been amongst seven former United States Air Force personnel interviewed at a press conference entitled "UFOs and Nukes" by Robert Hastings in September 2010. According to Gravel, their testimonies suggested alien spacecraft had disabled the function of several U.S. Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles. It alleged that high level government operatives were covering up knowledge relating to UFO incidents that pose a threat to national security.
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