
In folklore, the Nuk-luk ("nook-luck"; "Man of the Bush") are said to dwell in the Nahanni National Park Reserve near Nahanni Butte in Canada's Northwest Territories. Between April and June 1964, John Baptist and his companions stumbled across one of the cryptids while trapping near a local river. The animal, which stood about tall, looked essentially human but appeared to have prodigious musculature. It sported a long, dark beard and wore no clothes.
In June 1964, near Fort Simpson around 9 p.m. a boy named Jerry reported a similar creature. It had black hair on its head, upper body, and legs and a black head that was slightly pointed at the back. It also had a long, brown beard that reached its waist and wore ankle-high boots and a mooseskin loincloth and carried a stone club.
These creatures have been reported for hundreds of years and are said to have bootlike footprints and whistling calls. They have been reported from the Northwest Territories to Yukon to the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska.
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