Nude weather reports

Nude weather reports have been regular features on at least one television and one radio station, and on the stations' web sites.
(a diminutive of the Czech word for weather), a late-night weather report on TV Nova in the Czech Republic, featured a reverse strip tease: a model began the segment in the nude and then gradually put on clothes appropriate for the next day's weather forecast. The programme first aired in 1998 In 2007 it was resurrected on TV Nova's website.
In 2001 Radio Tango in Oslo, Norway, began broadcasting weather reports presented by a nude model, glimpses of whom were provided on the station's web site.
In a single instance in 2013, Doria Tillier, the weather presenter on ' on in France, promised to do her segment next day à poil (naked) if France qualified for the World Cup. After they qualified, she fulfilled her pledge by doing her segment in a punning way in the village of Poil. The broadcast also included her streaking in a field, filmed from a distance.
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