North london stags

North London Stags, established 2008, are a rugby league football club. They are the first southern rugby league team to compete in the Gillette National Youth Legaue (under 18s). Situated in North London, the Stags combine two well established National Legaue teams, London Skolars and Hemel Stags (who are NL2 and 3 respectively), and use both club's next generation of young players to create their squad.

Coached by young Ross Antonioli, who is supported by fitness/SAQ/general coach Stuart Macintyre and wannabe coach Aaron Higgs, the Stags aim to compete as well as they can in their first ever season in the league.

Playing in the colours of 'blood and gold', the Stags are also atempting to bring a new style of rugby to the league; the lesser known 'London football'. This involves running at spaces and throwing the ball around in attack, and 'bare' shots being put on in defence. The London team are looking to start, and to carry out the rest of the season, with the aim of dismissing the 'Southern Softies' tag, and with some big, physical players, they aren't aiming to back down to any side.

The London team is as follows;
(the players included are those who train on a regular basis with the club)

1. Aaron Smalls (Smiley)
2. Dino Kos (Turkish)
3. Smokie Junor (Smokes)
4. Jezza (PPP)
5. Aaron Higgs (Elbow, Nosebleed, Ligaments, coach, rocky IV, i need strapping, butterfingers, swollen bollock, cattalouge boy, loves a speach higgs :D)
6. Clark Squires (Zoidberg)
7. SJ (Darnell)
8. Eric Grimley (B.K)
9. Keiran Dixon (Raisin)
10. George Stevens (Posh Boy)
11. Connor Boyd Barnes (Sponge Bob)
12. Dion Chapman (Kidd N13)
13. Andre Vine (Lunatic)

Team Manager. Clare Stevens
Water Boy. Darren Barnes (bobby boucshay)
Kitman. David Stevens
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