North Carolina sewer monster

The North Carolina sewer monster also called the Raleigh sewer monster or the Carolina poop monster is a large blobby mass found to be living in the sewers of Raleigh, North Carolina. Revealed by a snake camera inspection of sewer piping under the Cameron Village shopping center, videos of the creature went viral on YouTube in 2009.
The sewer monster's shape is amorphous and blob-likea pulsating fleshy substance, with an apparently stringy texture. The blobs were observed to react to light and the heat given off by the lights, by retracting and pulsating. The blobs move in a semi-coordinated manner, acting like an individual, but can be seen to be composed of numerous stringy organisms
The identity of the organisms the blobs were composed of generated some debate on various internet forums with ideas ranging from colonies of bryozoans to the wildly implausible possibility that they may have been extraterrestrials. The general consensus reached is that the "monsters" were actually colonies of tubifex worms (Tubifex tubifex) clinging together in the absence of natural soil. When a single worm moved, it caused the entire mass to twitch in response, producing the reactions observed to the artificial light source.
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