Norberto Puzzolo

Born in Rosario, Argentina, on July 26, 1948.

Studied drawing and painting at Juan Grela G.’s workshop.
The painter Anselmo Piccolo was also his teacher.

Since 1966, he has been exhibiting in solo and group shows in different galleries, institutions and museums in the country and abroad.

Several institutions and private collectors in the country and abroad have acquired his works. Among others: The Art Institute of Chicago, USA; Gabriel Cuallado Collection, Valencia, Spain; Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes , Buenos Aires, Argentina; Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino , Rosario, Argentina.

Active member of Tucumán Arde, emblematic 60s work that has merited numerous commentaries by critics and historians in Argentina and abroad and is still creating great interest and inspiring important research.

Worked as a photojournalist and as a book and art book illustrator for several publishing houses.

Professional Practice Professor in the Photography School of the Instituto Superior de Educación Técnica Nº 18 of the province of Santa Fe.

Director of Puzzolo Productora Multimedia , a company that produces photographs, videos, music, interactive CDs and other digital technology supports.
The Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA) has awarded him the Leonardo 2001 Prize for his career in photography.
In 2002, he received the Konex Prize, merit diploma in photography.
As a personal decision, he has never entered his works in contest awards or salons.

He lives in Rosario - Argentina
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