Communication is a course of study of how human beings interact with one another. Humans interact with one another through verbal communication (speech) and/or nonverbal communication (not spoken) to meet basic requirements for establishing a variety of relationships (Guerrero, Anderson, Walid, 2007). A NONVERBAL-VERBAL is a term associated with the discipline of Communication that deals with situations that have instances of subliminal messages in which require a higher level of consciousness to be able to interpret the meaning of a mesage (Bullock,2004). This can also be described as having to "read in between the lines" to find the meaning behind a message or action.

An example of a NONVERBAL-VERBAL would be a commercial before a showing of a movie at a movie theater. There is a box of popcorn dancing with a cup of soda having a great time. At first glance, it is just two characters with humanistic characteristics dancing about having a great time. Instead of using an advertisement to have people purchase their concessions before the movie starts, they use characters representing concession delights with human qualities to connect with the audience at a subconscious level. We are not consciously aware at first that our urge to get those goodies are actually triggered by a thought that is placed into our minds with out even knowing it (Bullock,2004).

This literary term was created using two separate communication terms, verbal (expression through spoken language) and [ (not using speech) communication. The reason for creating this term was to be able to give a name to a situation where the communication is both verbal and nonverbal. In studying lanuage and culture, and through personal observation, words in many cultures, are created by combining other words to form new words and new meanings.
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