No Ten Dollars Ride

No Ten Dollars Ride is a short documentary film directed by Vigneswaran Rajkumar. It follows two trishaw riders in Singapore.
Film content
The documentary begins in introducing Mr Winson Chan a trishaw rider. As how long he worked as a trishaw rider and how he got the job. The visual focus on the tiring factor of the rider. In a series of short interviews, Mr Winson Chan reveals how much a trishaw rider earns and if there is no rides he does not gets money. Another trishaw rider Mr Adrien Kenathy describe his experiences of the trishaw, and Mr Winson Chan explain how some foreigners are vey fussy. The documentary explores an incident in 2007 where three foreigners bulling an old trishaw rider without paying any money for the ride.
Film credits
Made by Vignesrealm Motion Pictures. Written, directed and produced by Vigneswaran Rajkumar. It features an original music composition by Sagar Dhote. The title of the track is Every Second. The short documentary was screened at The Substation as a part of Substation Moving Images Programme.<ref name="substation_march" /><ref name="artzine" />
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