Nippon Shorin Ryu Kenpo

Nippon Shorin Ryu Kenpo, or literally translated as "Japanese Okinawan style fist law" is a martial art that is an off-shoot of James Mitose's "Kenpo Jiujitsu" or as it later was called, "Kara-Ho Kenpo". It is a style of martial art that blends the straight line strikes of Karate, the circular motions of Shaolin Kung Fu, and the grappling techniques of Traditional Jujutsu. The name implies influence from both Japan, and Okinawa. However, it is an Okinawan art with both Chinese and Japanese influence. There is speculation as to it's true roots, which can pre-date written records, however the modern form of this art was formed by James Vaughn who holds his rank in Sonata Family Ninjutsu. The form of Kenpo that Renshi Vaughn teaches was but a part of his Ninjutsu training. Renshi Vaughn was trained under the late Bernie Fraley, who received his training in Japan while in the U.S. Military.
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