Nicholas Logothetis

Nicholas Logothetis (Greek: , born in Kavala, Greece, on 19 August 1952) has a management consulting firm. He was Vice President of the Hellenic Statistical Authority.
Education - degrees obtained
* Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), University of Nottingham, England, 1981
::main subject: Ergodic Theory and Information.
* Master of Science (M.Sc.), University of Sheffield, England, 1977
::main subjects: Probability and Statistics, Computing.
* Diploma (equiv. to an M.Sc. for Greece)from: University of Patras, Greece.
::main subjects: Mathematics, Statistics.
* Certificate of LEAD AUDITOR: Lead Auditor of Quality Assurance Systems. Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA), IRCA Registration Scheme.
::Certificate No: LA/96/GR/257
* T.Q.M. HELLAS SA, Athens, Greece, 1991 - today:
::(Management Consulting Firm providing training and advisory services on matters of ISO-9001, ISO-14001, OHSAS-18001, STATISTICS and Total Quality Management)
::Position: Managing Director
::Member of Associated Educational Personnel (Teaching Counselor and Diploma Theses-Supervisor) on the Postgraduate Course “Advanced Methods for Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement”
* BRITISH TELECOM (BT) (London, UK) 1989-1990
::Position: Senior Consultant with BT's Management Science Consultancy Unit, (Level-3 Manager in the Unit's Management 5-level hierarchy) providing a consultancy service to Senior Management of BT on the following areas: Process planning and optimization. Quality assessment and cost modeling. Risk analysis, Risk Management and Project Management. Statistical Analysis, Estimation, Simulation and Forecasting of demand. Statistical Process Control. Taguchi methods and Off-line Experimentation. Collection, classification, spread-sheet analysis/interpretation of data, ISO-9000, Total Quality Management.
* GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (GEC): (Hirst Research Center, London, UK) Feb. 1985 - Mar. 1989
** Head of the Statistical Advisory/Research Unit
** Member of GEC's Technical Directorate.
** Member of GEConsult as Management Consultant on the development and application of modern cost-effective methods for Quality, Productivity Improvement, ISO-9000, and Total Quality Management.
* LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS - University of London. (London, UK) Dec. 1980 - Jan. 1985
** Research Advisor and Part-time Lecturer (Department of Statistical and Mathematical Sciences)
** Lecturer (Department of Extra-Mural Studies.)
Relevant activities
* Certified Consultant of Institute of Technology, CYPRUS
:Degree of Certification: 'U' (Unconditional: no restrictions - can undertake work either Solo or as a Team Leader) Areas of Consultation: Total Quality Management, ISO-9000, Production Management, Logistics, Research & Development.
* Since 1992: representative of the Federation of Greek Industries (FGI) to the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).
* During 1992-95: principal trainer of almost 2000 top managers (in weekly groups of 30) of the Greek Public and Civil Service sector.
* During the Greek Business Quality Year 1991, supervised and led a TQM research project in the National Metsovion Polytechnic of Greece which was awarded the first prize "Leon Melas" by FGI.
* During 1985-90: Co-founder member and member of the Board of Management for the British "Taguchi-Club".
* During 1985-90: Member of the Research Committee of the "British Deming Association"
* During 1987-90: Senior Visiting Research Fellow and Member of the professional staff associated with the "City University Quality Unit" (London, UK)
* During 1996-2001: Counselor and Project-Supervisor for TQM to Athens’ British Council on M.B.A. programmes of Surrey University.
* During 1987-90: Member of the Editorial Board of Applied Statistics, a Journal of Royal Statistical Society (RSS)
* During 1988-1990: Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Total Quality Management
* During 1987-90: “Senior Visiting Research Fellow” of the City University
* Since 1998: Vice President Academic Affairs, Athens School of Management (representing in Greece the Nottingham Business School of Nottingham Trent University)
* During the Quality Year 1998, the Magazine ECO-Q awarded him the award of “the Quality Consultant with the highest action”
* Numerous talks and presentations at Universities, Companies and International Conferences.
# Lord ROTHSCHILD V. and LOGOTHETIS N. (1986): "Probability Distributions"; J. Wiley & Sons
# LOGOTHETIS N. and WYNN H.P. (1989): "Quality through Design: Experimental Design, Off-line Quality Control and Taguchi's contributions"; Clarendon Press (Oxford University Press).
# LOGOTHETIS N (1992): “Managing for Total Quality” Prentice Hall International (UK). Available also in Greek translation, INTERBOOKS, Athens, Greece.
# LOGOTHETIS N (2000): “Methods and Techniques for Continuous Quality Improvement”; HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY
# LOGOTHETIS N (2008): “Taguchi Methods and Techniques for Control & Continuous Quality Improvement” ; HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1987a): "Off-line Quality Control with prior exploration of Data"; GEC Journal of Research, Vol. 5, No.1,40-48
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1987b): "Off-line Quality Control and ill-designed data"; Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 3, No. 4, p. 227-238
# LOGOTHETIS N. and HAIGH A. (1987): "The Statistical flexibility of the Taguchi method in the Optimization of Multi-Response Processes"; The Professional Statistician, Vol 6, Issue 7, p. 10-16; (also in the book: 'Taguchi-methods; Applications in world industry', p. 113-127, IFS Publications/Spinger-Verlag, 1989).
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1988a): "The role of Data-transformation in the Taguchi Analysis"; Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 49-61
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1988b): "Achieving high quality at low cost: The Japanese secret"; Information-Compupress, Athens, Dec.1988, p. 39-45
# LOGOTHETIS N. and HAIGH A. (1988): "Characterizing and optimizing Multi-Response Processes by the Taguchi method"; Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol.4, No. 2, p. 159-169
# LOGOTHETIS N. and SALMON J. (1988): "Tolerance Design and Analysis of Audio-Circuits"; Chapter 11 in the book:'Taguchi methods: proceedings of the 1988 European Conference" (edited by A.Bendell), Elsevier Applied Science Publications.
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1989a): "Establishing a Noise Performance Measure"; The Statistician, Vol. 38, No. 3, p 155-174
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1989b): "The Management principles of Deming for high quality, productivity and competitive position"; Information - Compupress, Athens, January 1990, p. 118-122.
# LOGOTHETIS N., ATKINSON C., SALMON J. and BEST K. (1989): "Development of newly installed processes"; International Journal of "Advanced Manufacturing Technology".
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1990a): "The Box-Cox Transformations and the Taguchi method"; Applied Statistics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series C), Vol.39, No.1, p. 31-48.
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1990b): "Minute Accumulating Analysis and Life-Testing"; Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol.17, No.2, p. 175-185.
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1990c): "Managing the Component-Tolerances"; Journal of Total Quality Management, Vol 1, No. 1,p. 75-84.
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1990d): "The theory of 'Pre-Control': A serious method or a colourful naivity?"; Journal of Total Quality Management, Vol 1, No. 2, p. 207-220.
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1990e): "A perspective on Shainin's approach to Experimental Design for Quality Improvement"; Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol 6, No 2, p. 195-202.
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1990f): "Alternatives to Fractional Experimentation: An assessment and critique"; Journal of Total Quality Management, Vol 1, No 3, p. 335-344.
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1994): "Towards a Quality Management of Education"; Total Quality Management, Vol. 6, Nos 5&6, p. 479-486.
# LOGOTHETIS N. (1995): "Fundamental Principles and Particular Techniques for TQM in the Health Service Sector"; Proceedings of the Conference TQM AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS, Thessaliniki, Greece, 4-6/11/94, p. 39-45.
# P. S. GEORGILAKIS, N. D. HATZIARGYRIOU, N. LOGOTHETIS, S. S. ELEFSINIOTIS (2000) : Establishing an Optimal Annealing Process of Magnetic Cores by the Taguchi Method, CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, Volume: 2, page(s): 1033-1040 vol.2
(From 1991 onwards:) Numerous publications in Greek newspapers and periodicals.
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