Niave ssiob Sasquatch

This film is about 2 nerds, Abdar (Devon Lessard) and Martin (Lance Unrau), and 2 bullies, Max (Danny Goodon) and Sam (Drew Unrau). They all want to hunt for the Sasquatch (Joey Goodon) that they recently discovered was spotted near there hometown. The bullies pull a prank on the nerds by telling them to go ahead because they had to fix the manifold. The bullies put on a fake Sasquatch suit that they got and scare the nerds. Abdar decides he needs extra protection, so he brings along a gun he grandfather use during the Taliban. Abdar shoot Max who was pretending to be the Sasquatch and he gets injured. The carry him to the car and on the way there they find a Bush Boy (Razor Unrau) who can heal him. Abdar and Martin set out on a journey to find the healiong ingredients. On their vouage to finding the ingredients they find more that what they had ever of hoped for, the Sasquatch of course. They bring back the ingredients and Max gets healed instantly but since its to late they decide to stay the night at the Bush Boys' living quarters. The next day they wake up and set for their journey back to their car. On the way there they find some giant footprints, with feathers in them. When they finally arrive to where there car was parked, they fing out that it has dissapeared. At that moment the Sasquatch emerges from the bushes and chases them into an abandoned shack. After they wait there 'till night, the Bush Boy remembers that the Sasquatch is afraid of bare skin. They burst outside and try to scare the Sasquatch off but they can't seem to find him. When they reach the highway a car pulls up behind them and they go look to see who would give them a ride at this time of night. It turns out to be the SASQUATCH!!
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