New Zealand Handball

New Zealand Handball is a game of Handball (either singles, doubles, 4-X square), played similarly to the except that the ball is usually substituted with a . New Zealand Handball is often played at Morning-break (recess) and Lunchtime. Due to the size of the ball, great technique is required when performing a feat such as a skim, beginners usually achieving mastery in a span of up to several weeks of months. Handball is commonly referred as 'Handball', '4 square', '6-square', 'Handy', or rarely 'Hit-back'.

Handball has a variety of techniques, all requiring mastery of some degree.

Skimming/Slogging/Low shot. Skimming is a return at very low elevation. It is fast, unpredictable and very hard to return. Skimming can only be achieved when one crouches or does the such, and cups his hands to a certain degree, impacting the palm with a slight curve for it to direct without double-bouncing in his own square.
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