New America NYC

New America NYC is an initiative of the New America Foundation, a Washington DC-based public policy think tank, that hosts several events each month generally focused on politics, media, and culture. Launched in winter 2011-12, its events have hosted national journalists, including Pulitzer Prize winner Sheri Fink, Jodi Kantor, author of the recently released book, The Obamas, and Franklin Foer, Editor-at-Large of The New Republic. The event space is located in SoHo.
One staple series in the event space is Broadly Speaking, a partnership with XX blog focusing on women. Past events in this series have touched on Islamic feminism in the wake of the Arab Spring, a new era of men losing their dominance, and female war correspondents. Mediaite rated the event "The Year of the Herminator: A Panel of Reporters Explain the Weirdest Republican Primary Ever" with Franklin Foer, Richard Just, Jodi Kantor, and Ryan Lizza, as the best panel of 2011.
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