Netley Primary School

Netley Primary School is a state-funded primary school within the Regent's Park Estate area in London, England. It is a community school in the London Borough of Camden (which therefore employs its staff, controls its admissions, owns its buildings etc).
Since 2004, Netley Primary has hosted a centre for autism - called 'Woodlands' - and has a nationally notable programme for teaching children aged 3 to 11 on the autistic spectrum, where children weave in and out of mainstream classes.
The school proposed the sale of a part of its site, at the request of the Leader of Camden Council, but withdrew the proposal after independent advice was given to the Education Secretary that they should not be sold off.
Air quality is a major issue in the area surrounding the school, especially due to the presence of High Speed 2's terminus at Euston railway station nearby. The Mayor of London launched a mayor air pollution survey at the school in 2018. It was reported that the school was 'pestered' into buying a 'green shield' to reduce the impact of pollution on children, despite it not making a difference to health.
Netley Primary is a 'young enterprise financial centre of excellence'.
The school has a partnership with Torriano Primary School.
Notable former pupils
* Nasim Ali, former Leader of Camden Council
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