Nero Vipus

Nero Vipus was a sergeant of the Luna Wolves Legion of Space Marines in the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe.


In Horus Rising, Nero Vipus is a loyal Space Marine of the Imperium of Man. He is shown to be a brother-sergeant of the 3rd Squad, Locasta Tactical Squad, of 10th Company of Luna Wolves. Alongside his fellow captain Garviel Loken of the 10th Company of Luna Wolves, oldest and true friend.

Fought in thousand of battle for the Imperium of Man, was involved in the investigation about strange death of Hastur Sejanus captain of 4th Company, during the task encountered and fought the Invisibles.
Also in the tale about Nero Vipus, in the novel Fulgrim, he found eventually Solomon Demeter, Captain of 2nd Company of Emperor’s Children, under of rubble, barley berating, but clinging to life with the tenacity of one who refuse to die until he has had his vengeance.

Vipus's purported death and final fight is detailed Istavaan III incident incident in the novel, Galaxy in Flames. Fighting on the side of the loyalist marines, one of them was the captain of the Emperor's Children Legion Saul Tarvitz.

The Warmaster, realizing how many Astartes he is losing, withdrew his forces and bombed the surface of Istavaan III. Vipus and his battle-brothers were in the palace when was hit. They realized the futility of trying to shelter from such an intense bombardment and are presumed dead to a man; however, in Fulgrim, in a conversation between Lucius and Eidolon, Lucius tells his Lord Commander that the Dreadnought, Ancient Rylanor, was sent by Tarvitz to guard what was believed to be an ancient hangar, in the depths of the Precentor's Palace. The implication is that perhaps this provided an escape from the bombardment, either in the form of refuge deep underground from the falling bombs, or in the form of ships to carry the surviving loyalists from the planet's surface. Nevertheless, there is nothing to suggest Tarvitz his men, and few other Space Marine loyalist survived (between of there was Nero Vipus), followed Rylanor before the commencement of the bombardment, and Lucius and Eidolon appear sure that none could have survived the final assault.
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