Negotiation Club

Negotiation Club - is a student organization, part of the Scientific Student Union of The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). The main aim of the Club is development of negotiation skills and providing students with the information about the maim principles of this craft. Negotiation Clubs is helpful in developing negotiation skills not only to future diplomats, but also specialists in various spheres. Apart from practical classes, the Club is also engaged in analysis of current negotiations in the World and popularization of negotiations as a special skill among students.
The main principles
“Think freely!” is the main motto of the club. Its events can serve as a true support of these words. The founders renounced the popular orientation on organizing lectures and conferences. On the contrary, the events are mainly practical. The Club concentrates on solving “negotiation cases” - specially prepared negotiation situations.
All the events are aimed at improving the skills, which are vital for every negotiator:
* Development of professional skills. The main negotiation techniques are studied during the classes, useful material helps explore the key negotiation complexes in World politics and the main tasks of the sphere in economics and law.
* Development of communication skills. The participants learn the simple skills of social ease and manners, how to address the public, communicate personally and develop business contacts.
* Team work skills. During the classes the participants learn the way of distributing tasks, cooperation and making use of the allies’ skills to achieve goals in negotiations.
* Ways of receiving information and making use of it in a short time. This skill helps not only operate data during negotiations freely, but also control their progress and make a favorable impression on counterparts.
* Development of persuasion skill. This skill includes the secrets of eloquence and arranging persuasive evidence, fending off and asking questions.
* Broadening mind. Encyclopedic knowledge makes a negotiator not only a pleasant interlocutor and reliable partner, but also widens the number of discussed issues.
Negotiation cases
Negotiation cases are called situational cases with positions, which have been prepared in advance. They enable the participants to try their hand in negotiations and explore the new skills that are vital in this craft.
Basing on the presumption that everyone faces the necessity of negotiations in everyday life, the founders create various situations: from bargaining at a street market to the talks of postwar order in Europe in 1918 and forming coalitions in a parliament.
Remarkably, the founders write the positions and preparatory materials themselves, taking inspiration from special historic literature, memoirs, news, and own experience. This helps to make cases thrilling and challenging: even the most desperate situation can be turned into a success.
The basis for the cases are often real historic events (for instance, the SALT) and frequent practical situations. The last is especially important for economics and law cases. So, the organizers are eager to make the process of solving as diverse, immersive and helpful for the future career as possible.
Negotiation tournaments
Apart from regular classes, the organizers offer those who are especially interested in developing negotiating skills to take part in tournaments. For example, in April, 2015 the first student Negotiation tournament was held in MGIMO
The tournaments are considered by the Club to be a wonderful opportunity not only to test attainments but also to gain the new ones. It is especially beneficial when students from different Universities, regions and countries take part in the competitions. That is why the founders are planning to develop this activity line.
Currently, the organizers are engaged in preparing 2 tournaments, each of which will be a new step forward and give the participant an opportunity to test and master their skills. The coming tournament will be held in May, 2017, and the 1st International Tournament will take place in November, 2017.
Popularization of negotiatiaons
Expanding the knowledge of negotiations with a help of Internet-publications and cooperation with the other student organizations plays a significant role in Club’s agenda. But politics, economics and law are not the only spheres in which the members perceive negotiations. The articles about negotiations in fiction, photo and even in art give a fresh look on this interesting theme. The Club’s sites in social networks are regularly filled with new publications, articles and helpful tips in negotiation practice. The coverage and analysis of current news from all over the World is also considered to be important.
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