Nazoo Anaa

Nazo Ana, sometimes spelled as Nazoo Anaa, (1651-1717) () was the mother of Mir Wais Hotak and a prominent poet of Pashto language. She belonged to an influential family in the Kandahar, Afghanistan region. She became a poet and a brave woman warrior in Afghan history.
Early life and family background
Nazo Ana was born in or about 1651 in Thazi, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, into a politically well-known Pashtun family. Her father, Sultan Malakhai Tookhi, was a prominent head of the Tookhi Pashtun tribe and governor of the Ghazni region. She was married to Salim Khan Hotak, the son of Karam Khan.<ref name="PK"/> The famous Afghan ruler of the Hotaki dynasty, Mir Wais Hotak, was her son and Mir Mahmud Hotak her grandson.
She was a prominent learned poet and courteous person. Nazoo Anaa's father paid close attention to her education and upbringing and induced training and full education from the elders and learned personalities of the time in Kandahar. She became a prominent poet and literary figure of the Afghani language. Her contribution as a poet is uniquely considered invaluable even today.
It is believed that on the night her son Mirwais was born (1673), Nazo Ana dreamed of Baitt Neeka (an ancient and famous benevolent leader of the Afghans). Baitt told Nazo to take best care of the new baby because when the child grows up, the country would be blessed by his services. Nazoo Anaa, from time to time, recalled the miraculous dream to her son and advised him to perform deeds with authenticity. Young Mirwais eternally followed his mother's advice. He became a great leader for the people of Afghanistan after rising to power in Kandahar in 1709.
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