Nathan A. Nehring (born 1995 or 1996) At the time of his appointment he was a middle school science teacher, chair of the Stanwood planning commission, and the son of the Mayor of Marysville, Jon Nehring. He was one of three candidates nominated to fill the vacancy created by Klein's resignation. The other two were Marysville City Councilman Michael Stevens and Darrington Town Councilman Kevin Ashe. In January 2021, he was succeeded as chair by his vice chair Stephanie Wright. In August 2021, he joined Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers and the entire Snohomish County Council in welcoming Afghan refugees. The following November he was re-elected with over 69% of the vote. He currently serves on the following committees. * Council Planning and Community Development Committee, Chair * Regional Law & Justice Council, Chair * Snohomish County Tomorrow, Co-Chair * Washington State Association of Counties Board of Directors * Economic Alliance of Snohomish County Board of Directors * Community Transit Board of Directors * Snohomish Health District Board of Health * E-911 Board * Library Capital Facilities Governing Board * Performance Audit Committee * Boeing NMA Task Force * COVID-19 Economic and Workforce Recovery Task Force