Natal hypnotherapy

Natal hypnotherapy is a method which uses self-hypnosis to help mothers to prepare for conception, childbirth and other related areas. It is not an evidence-based medical method. Natal hypnotherapy is taught through commercially available audio CDs and courses.

The natal hypnotherapy method is based on the belief that women can take positive steps to help themselves for and during major life-experiences like pregnancy and childbirth by using hypnotherapy techniques. Natal hypnotherapy is meant to learn and practice breathing, relaxation and visualisation techniques to encourage women to think positively, be relaxed and feel in control. In addition to childbirth, natal hypnotherapy also claims to be helpful for women undergoing in vitro fertilization, preparing to conceive, overcoming morning sickness, breastfeeding, and recovering postnatally.

Natal Hypnotherapy and Childbirth
In the past few centuries in the western world, birth has become highly medicalised and distanced from the woman giving birth. Natal hypnotherapy is based on the belief that many women today expect and fear a traumatic and painful experience in which they have no control, but that fear itself can can make birth much more painful. Natal hypnotherapy operates on the premise that being relaxed, confident, and skilled at effective breathing and relaxation techniques helps a women to go into labour feeling far more positive and prepared, which will itself help her body to birth more effectively due to lower levels of tension and adrenalin. There is no evidence to support this theory.

The goal of natal hypnotherapy is not to create an expectation of a painfree birth, but to enable women to feel more confident, prepared and able to manage the sensations of labour. Natal hypnotherapy works to mentally, emotionally, and physically prepare mothers to have a more positive birth experience. In addition, listening to the CD during labour is theorised to support the positive mental images and deep relaxation that have been practised earlier. Natal hypnotherapy also claims to prepare the birth partner for the birth, and ensures he or she knows how to interact with the mother and the medical team during birth.

Over 18000 women have used Natal Hypnotherapy to give birth.

The Natal Hypnotherapy Method: How It Works
Natal hypnotherapy uses self-hypnosis techniques to tap into the subconscious part of the brain responsible for beliefs, emotions, and subconscious physical functions. Listening to positive and positive suggestions while in this state allows a person to overcome fears and absorb these suggestions. Natal Hypnotherapy builds confidence in a woman’s body, and teaches rhythmic breathing, pain management techniques, and deep relaxation.. It stressing the importance of relaxation in allowing the body to work freely.

History and Development
Natal Hypnotherapy was developed in the UK by Maggie Howell, who used self-hypnosis for the birth of her first child and then went on to train as a Clinical Hypnotherapist before developing the Natal Hypnotherapy method. Natal Hypnotherapy is based in the United Kingdom and also operates in France, though the CDs have reached women in over 50 countries.
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