
Narcberry is the online alias of the current leader of the Flat Earth Society. After the death of Charles K. Johnson, Narcberry made the churches teachings available online. He invites all to participate in a 1 on 1 discussion about their teachings.

While his true identity remains unknown, he has published a picture of himself online. The authenticity of said picture is highly debated.

Many of Narcberry's teachings are controversial and put at-odds previously accepted flat-earth doctrine.

Floating Oceans
Narcberry has put together a proof that shows that the Round-earth model predicts floating oceans. In that he means the oceans of earth would actually float into the sky.

His proof is simple:
1. Water is perfectly buoyant in its own medium
2. All water in the ocean is in its own medium
3. The oceans, as a whole, are free from gravity and can float from her surface

Collapsing Earth
Based on Einsteins writings, Narcberry extends the fact that gravity and acceleration are the same thing. With respect to the Round-earth model, he points out that if the earth has gravity, it is accelerating. This inward acceleration necessitates a shrinking earth.

Schrödinger's Earth
Perhaps one of Narcberry's weakest proofs that the earth is flat, his Schrödinger's Earth argument makes a claim against Quantum Physics. A parody of Schrödinger's cat, his argument is that prior to the possibility of observing earth, earth took many forms. One of these was a flat earth. His claim is not that the earth is flat, but that it was, at least prior to observation.

Vector Extension
It is true that neighbors homes can be leveled against a common vector. Narcberry extends this to show that since this is true for any two neighbors, that there is a common vector all neighbors can level against, and all the earth, at least where homes exist, is level.

Surface Tension and the Ice Wall
A common belief among Flat-earthists is the notion that the earth is surrounded by a giant wall of ice. Several problems exist with this theory, the biggest being how the earths atmosphere is contained. Narcberry proposes that the water in the air provides the necessary surface tension to hold the atmosphere in. This is coupled with the idea that the atmosphere is much colder at it's edges, causing it to be denser and of much smaller volume.

Snowfall Densities
One of the biggest difference between a round earth and a flat earth is the shape of earths surface. Narcberry points out that snowfall on a round earth must occupy a smaller and smaller area the closer it gets to earths surface. This is since the fall of snow is anti-normal to earths surface. The closer it gets to the gravitational center of earth, the closer the snowfall, as a whole, must get to occupying nearly the same space.

This suggests that there would be more snow at lower altitudes since snowfall would accumulate in higher densities. Narcberry demonstrates that current evidence shows snow to be more common at higher altitudes, which is a contradiction to gravities affect on falling objects.

The Horizon Effect
Narcberry has given substantial data demonstrating that an upwards accelerating earth would produce a horizon effect. This effect is based on the latency of light travel. The new velocity of earth due to the acceleration during the latency in lights travel, would make distant objects appear lower in the sky. If objects, such as ships, are distant enough they will appear lower than even the surface of earth at a closer point and would not be visible.
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