Glacial respiration

Glacial Respiration is a Mayan myth regarding the cycle of temperature on earth.
This transitional Earthen (E2) climate that rotates through both long-term and short-term seasonal cycles. The short-term cycle is seasonally driven by yearly axial tilt; Earth's tilt consists of 365 days. Long-term global seasons are controlled by the Glacial Respiration cycle and include Global Winter, Global Summer, a dramatic Switch followed by a brief period of accelerated Darwinian biological evolution. Global Winter is the period of E2 growing glaciers and it lasts for approximately 100,000-years. Global Summer is an anomaly, a period of warmer temperatures and melting glaciers, it lasts for an estimated 10,000-years. The Switch is the period of transition from Global Winter to Global Summer and involves the release of energy accumulated over the 100,000-year period from strong glacial winds. These Global Winter winds stored large quantities of airborne ice crystals into the upper jet stream, creating the conceptual Ring-of-Ice. The Jet stream is fast flowing air currents located 36,000 feet above E2's surface in a region called the stratosphere. The accelerated "Darwinian" biological evolution occurs following the Switch when E2 becomes partially defenseless from S1's full spectrum of photon radiation.
Primary beliefs
The theory of glacial respiration states that energy required to drive the temperature cycle through a complete rotation comes from the sun's photon heat energy, absorption and reflection and the winds produced by earth’s rotation and thermal mixing of the winds. "E2" alternates through global climates by shifting water absorption of the sun’s photon energy and deflection by ice and exposed rock and soil.
A "mechanism" can be thought of as a reaction pathway, and the pathway tends to build energy in an energy reserve or extract it. Individually all the Mechanisms These are indisputable natural functions or processes, found in any basic chemistry, physics or even home gardening reference book. I am going to organize these processes in a rotating direction to justify the geological evidence.
Mechanism Global Winter, time line approximately 100,000 years
-Decrease: In soil moisture equals a decrease in surface vegetation
Which leads to ->
-Decrease: In soil biological activity decreases the glue that consolidates soil into clumps
These are soil peds, and are glued with mold, fungus, bacteria organic material “worm bug poop”.
-Increases: in Wind erosion: separating sand, silt and clay
Remove vegetation v and winds along the surface increase
-Increases: Hard rain on exposed soil further separating the soil particle sizes from the perfect mix
Now we have exposed soil, soil not covered by vegetation, rain and drainage becomes an additional destructive force.
-Decreases: In over all; soil aeration, nutrient production and mixing of the soil structure
The outcome of soil destruction
-Increases: In regions, with either a hard packed surface crust or a loose drifting desert
These regions provide no climatic stability, and a near zero energy reserve, they reflect the suns photon energy. Most people believe deserts are extremely hot places but in fact they are equally as cool, at night. So desert planets need to handle the extremes, heat during the day and the frost at night.
-Decrease: In the chance of re-seeding to a different more suitably vegetation
A hard packed surface crust or a drifting desert have, little vegetation because their soils have poor aeration, no nutrients or organic material. Everyone here can tell the difference between a rich black handful of good soil when compared to a beach sand, right. Global summer depends on earth having a rich topsoil, take that way, and utopia or even garden Eden is over.
-Increases: In environmentally stresses regions, causes a decrease in bird and animal migration, causing a decrease in digestive track re-seeding.
Reseeding areas is controlled by winds or animal track migration. Plants rely on birds to eat seeds and defecate seeds to maximize the reproductive potential. Seeds are either exogenous (seed coat dormancy) or endogenous (embryo dormancy).Exogenous seeds have a hard coating resistant to water and gas exchange, the digestive acids brake down this coating preparing the seed for , “Germination”.
-Increases: Glacier ice reduces surface friction, increasing earth’s surface wind speed
Decrease vegetation, increase surface ice will perpetually increase surface winds, further destroying more, or the last of the well balanced ecosystems; forests, wetlands, grasslands
-Increases: Surface winds, boost the extraction of moisture from the soil profile, further deceasing vegetation, including deeper rooted plants
Humidity is not only measured as a weight, but also by the pressure, Vapor moisture pressure. Wind aids in the evaporation process. Wind transfers water molecules away from the evaporating surface and hence maintains a vertical moisture gradient. Common atmospheric pressure is measured as the sum of the air pressure and vapor pressure.
Increases: In wind blown silicate sand into the oceans draws carbon dioxide (CO²) out of the ATM weakening the greenhouse effects
Most sand size partials are iron silicate “SiFe., Iron fertilization is the intentional introduction of iron to the upper ocean to increase the marine food chain and to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It involves encouraging the growth of marine phytoplankton blooms by physically distributing microscopic iron particles in the iron deficient ocean waters.
The greatest geologist of the 20th century, John Martin, once made a famous quote, "Give me half a tanker of iron and I'll give you the next Ice Age".
-Decrease: In trees and shrubs further increase wind speed
As the earth environment pushes toward cool climates the deeper rooted plants begin to disappear perpetually. Entire forests are replace with bare soil.
-Increases: In surface wind speed, combines with a increase in glacial ice, perpetuates ice into the upper ATM
This is the energy source capable to transform the climate by pushing it perpetually into a position able to cause an elastic rebound. Where the ice in the upper atmosphere gets to rich to maintain its load.
Increases: In winds, increases wave action, which increases sea spray, extracting ocean water
Hydrogen bonding, the sticking together of water molecules prevents extraction. Stirring the ocean waters assists in removing ocean waters.
-Increases: In airborne ice, blocks or shades earth from the warming suns energy rays
This is a good example of a perpetuating mechanism. As more ice builds in the ATM will shading more of earth, temperatures decrease further and more ice builds, to further shade earth, making increasingly temperatures cooler.
Decrease: In earth’s temperature further decreases perpetually earth temperature forcing a snowball earth
The Switch 40 Days
The Switch is a point or line where the Ring-of-Ice has been pushed near the equatorial region, called the Ring-of-Life. The instantaneous behavior of freezing or melting ice is the foundation for the catastrophic re-action behind the Glacial Switch and pursuing flooding rains.
-Increases: In airborne ice pushes the load into the equatorial region
At a thick concentration.
-Increases: In ionized Smog (Nox) above the Ring-of-Ice acts as a heat sink, absorbing and holding the sun’s photon energy
If you leave clothes out drying in the sun for a few weeks, you will notice that the coolers will fad. This is because the suns photon energy ionizes the cloth and dies. The same happens with ice, but as the oxygen molecules get separated from the hydrogen H2O, the oxygen quickly bonds with the most abundant ATM gas, nitrogen. So 73% of the ATM is nitrogen. Hence nitrogen oxides is created over the airborne ice.
-Increases: The amount of water in smaller particles, “snow flakes” makes the quantity and body or energy reserve less thermally stable
Large bodies of water are much more thermally stable and difficult to change in temperature compared to a small drop or snow flake.

-Increases: In the density of water as it turns from ice to water gives the liquid water more potential energy
These factors describe the forces that assist transformation of the ice ring into flooding rain.
-Increases: In the speed of liquid water moving in the Ring-of-Ice because water droplets are more aerodynamic than snow flakes
Basically water drops are smaller, heaver and smoother.
-Increases: In the speed and density of liquid water increases the potential energy transferred at collision with a snow flake: (E=mc²)
This is the simple Albert Einstein equation. And I like to think of it this way, speed is to the power, when weight is to the multiple, so you bet on the boxer with hand speed, the fastest hands, not the largest arms.
-Increases: In water particles combining in the Ring-of-Ice further turns more ice into more water particles
As water begins to transfer to ice, it accumulates, hydrogen sticking having more potential energy, think of potential energy as the damage something can cause. It is like, building more dynamite.
-Increases: In rain falling out of the Ring-of-Ice transfers heat energy to the surface
2% of the oceans falling out of the ATM has substantial potential energy, and it is transferred as heat to the surface.
-Increases: In heat energy on the surface stops ice from being blown into the Ring-of-Ice, cutting off its source
This is the point where ice stops building in the ATM.
-Increases: Rain to earth’s surface now transfers frictional heat energy, creating warmer winds through convection into the upper ATM to further transform the Ring-of-Ice into more rain
Now moisture / water vapor is being introduced and quickly raises up with convection. Like the steam from your coffee cup.
-Decrease: In ice shielding earth, now exposes the surface to the warming sun’s energy, and this energy is also being influenced into the convectional wind patterns, further transforming the Ring-of-Ice into more rain
Global Summer 10,000 years
Global Summer begins following the glacial environmental Switch, and energy redistribution results in the creation of preventing mechanisms. These mechanisms will hold E2 in a state of Global Summer for the approximate 10,000-year Global Summer period. It starts with the production of heat through kinetic heat energy, produced by billions of tons of water falling out of the Ring-of-Ice during the Switch.
-Increases: In sea level and surface water, will increase E2’s adsorption of the sun’s photon heat energy
Bodies of water are a heat trap.
-Increases: In wetlands increases the production of greenhouse gasses; water vapor, methane and CO² into the ATM, making earth’s ATM into a heat sink, which absorbs and holds more of the sun’s heat energy
An ATM rich with water vapor will be a warm and stable.
-Increases: Water on the surface fills the central continental depressions called Cratons, creating shallow inland oceans
Shallow inland oceans act to steam water vapor into the ATM, slowing surface wind speeds. This is because high pressure fronts which usually have colder temperatures and higher winds are pushed up over low pressure zone, typified by slower winds and warming temperatures.
-Increases: In biological activity in the shallow inland oceans, grows organisms, which output carbon dioxide (CO²) into the ATM
As temperatures increase in the inland oceans microbes grow, Archaeas species can handle extremely hot temperatures and do not consume CO2 in their respiration process, unlike photosynthesis.
-Increases: CO² into the ATM increases land and water plant population, which further retains increasing amounts of the sun’s photon energy
Plants are a energy reserves, end do not reflect the suns energy back at the ATM.
-Increases: Fine materials such as humus, clay and limestone, created by the glaciers pushing and grinding through rock formations, is now being drained into the water bodies and grow coccolithophores organisms
This is a mini Cretaceous period which develops at the end of each glacial cycle to help rapidly warm the climate and melt glaciers.
-Increases: Coccolithophores will precipitate calcium carbonate (CaCO³) into the marine waters, which acts to reject the normal exchange of CO² from the ATM
In fact earths biopump acts to warm earth, keep the oceans salty, and form geological chalk and marine limestone formations. Coccolith die sink and accumulated on the ocean bottom forming a thick layer of calcareous ooze, which eventually became the Chalk Group. Examples can be seen in the white cliffs of Dover and the French Normandy coast.
-Decrease: CO² entering the surface water will trap more CO² in the ATM, enriching the greenhouse gases
Rejecting the natural mixing of CO2 between the oceans and ATM, will help to enrich the ATM with CO2. Approximately 90 percent of the CO2 is found in the oceans. And warmer water temperatures release CO2 to the atmosphere when colder polar waters dissolve CO2 into their waters.
-Increases: The quantity of plants on the surface will pump water vapor, into the ATM through the process of plants sweating called Transpiration. In fact, Transpiration is what makes a swamp or wetland feel sticky and humid and the lack of Transpiration in a desert makes its climate dry.
Glacial Respiration, Conceptual Ring of Ice, The End of Linear Western Religion
A Geological Exploration of an E2 Earthen Planet And the H2 Human Species
* ISBN 13: 978-0-615-15819-8, Library of Congress Control Number: 2007935751
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