
Namoa(Siosaia Tupou)
Namoa ( Siosaia Tupou) was born in 1755. He was the fourth and the youngest son of King Mumui, the King of Tonga and the 13th Tu'iKanokupolu.
Namoa was the initial holder and owner of the title, Siosaia Tupou. Namoa acceded as King Siosaia Tupou, after the death of his brother King Aleamotu'a in 1830. King Siosaia Tupou reign as King of Tonga from 1830-45.
Family Background
Namoa(Siosaia Tupou) parents were both rulers. Namoa( Siosaia Tupou) father was King Mumui from the Tu'iKanokupolu dynasty and his mother was Fatafehi 'o Lapaha, the last female monarch from the Tu'iKanokuplou dynasty. Namoa ( Siosaia Tupou was the youngest of the four children of King Mumui, 13th Tu'iKanokupolu. King Mumui did have only four children and they were Tuku'aho the oldest, then Tupoumalohi, Aleamotu'a and Namoa (Siosaia Tupou). Namoa was the only child of the last female monarch from the Tu'itonga dynasty, Fatafehi 'o Lapaha . At his childhood life he was named Namoa. At his adult life, Namoa was known by the title Tupou. In 1830, Tupou( Namoa) became King of Tonga and he took the title , King Siosaia Tupou.
Role in Tu'i Kanokupolu Dynasty
During the 18th and early 19th century, Namoa (Siosaia Tupou) did play a leading role in the consolidation
of the power and enhancing of the strong grips of the Tu'iKanokupolu Dynasty, in the ruling of Tonga.
King Siosaia Tupou reign from 1830-45. He died at the age of 90 years old. His great-nephew Taufa'ahau accedes the throne of Tonga as King Siaosi Tupou 1 and he reign from 1845 - 1897.
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