Nail Hearts Clip

Nail Hearts Clip is a collection of blog posts from CLIP blogged and edited by Feliz Lucia Molina between 2009-2010 that was added to the series "Publishing the Unpublishable",
by Kenneth Goldsmith, in 2011 as the 59th manuscript. A continuation of the blog series Hair Hearts Flip, blogposts from Nail Hearts Clip were compiled and edited to form a shorter snapshot of each post for the primary part of the page while the original post is placed on the bottom of every page.
Feliz Lucia Molina (Aries) born and raised in San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, CA.
*BA, Writing & Literature from Naropa University
*MFA, Literary Arts from Brown University
* PhD ABD, European Graduate School
* AM, School for Social Work Administration at The University of Chicago
*Undercastle (Magic Helicopter Press, 2013, 2016)
*Hair Hearts Flip (Gauss PDF, 2013)
*An Essay Of Things About Someone I First Met and Spent Time With For One Day in Tokyo (Magic Helicopter Press, 2014)
*Crystal Marys (Scary Topiary Press, 2016)
*Roulette (anthologized in Electronic Literature Organization, vol. 2 (2008); print publication from Make Now Books (forthcoming )
* The Wes Letters (co-authored with Ben Segal and Brett Zehner, Outpost19, 2014)
Publishing the Unpublishable
"Publishing the Unpublishable" is a collection of works from invited authors that were never intended to see the light of day. These articles are extremely varied in nature, and why they may never have originally been put out to the public varies greatly from article to article with this particular manuscript being a collection of blog posts while others include poems, play ideas, etc. This collection serves as Kenneth Goldsmith's answer to the question "What constitutes an unpublishable work?" and will be completed once the number of collected items reaches 100.
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