Music massage therapy

Music Massage Therapy.
Music massage therapy is a choreographed massage to specific music.
Techniques used are based on holistic Massage combined with Music therapy.
The therapist in music massage therapy selects music to match the type and purpose of the massage. The music is turned up loud to immerse the client in music.
Therapeutic Use
1. To heal emotional trauma, music of a similar mood is selected.
2. To relax the client, music of a restful or spiritual nature is chosen.
3. To access client memories, music from the client’s past is paired with the touch of massage.
4. To add novelty for the music enthusiast, therapists use the client’s pre-selected music or new music.
In addition to the Massage table and music, Aromatherapy and Chromotherapy are sometimes added.
In the case of both personalized and general music massages, each massage starts out with a pre-massage song. After the massage is finished, there is fifteen minutes of music relevant to the purpose of the massage that is slightly more upbeat to rouse the client before departure. Tea and a hot towel are then provided.
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