Music collecting strategies

(Original Research here is a mere quick framework for building the article)

As opposed to say, collecting firewood, most
most individuals' collecting of music
involves a strategy or philosophy.

*Keeping up with the latest trends (e.g., younger listeners), or
*Too much music, too little time to hear it all (older listeners)
**Prefer to know a limited set of music very well, instead of knowing an ever expanding set of music not as well

Intended audience
*Personal listening
**All attention focused on the music, or
**mere background music
**Some might feel that the ultimate goal is to convince others, and only listen to music alone in order to select songs others will admit are impressive.

Collections beyond what an individual himself prefers, e.g., for
one's exercise class, restaurant, chain store, museum, etc. would
be better addressed by a future separate article.

Collection size goals
*A few songs for one's portable digital audio player, and no more, to
*Record collecting racks of complete series
The medium might be audio, or just e.g., sheet music.

Collection content goals
*Add hoc, or
*Limited: fresh songs entering and tired songs being disposed of, or
*Only collect songs one is familiar with from one's youth, even to the point of avoiding one's favorite artist's latter songs. This limited group of songs might then be savored and examined in great detail, e.g., by playing at reduced tempo

Lists of what would constitute a "basic music collection" for various
genres are available
or one might seek the views of organizations devoted to collecting.

Acquiring and organizing a collection
There are many methods, both legal and illegal, for acquiring one's
music, and then organizing one's
all of which are beyond the scope of this article.
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