
Cadio is pronounced “k-dio.” Cadio is like an FM radio sound system, devise or a digital player and system that can be played and set-up inside a narrowcast coverage or a particular place such as airplanes & airports, amusement parks, banks, boats & piers, boutiques, buildings & elevators, buses & terminals, business centers, clinics, couriers, department stores, gas stations, government places, hardware stores, hospitals, hotels, malls, offices, places of events, private places, public places, restaurants, salons, schools, shops, show rooms, sports & gyms, sports shops, stores, supermarkets, trains & stations, wholesaler-retail places, etc.
An example of narrowcasting in this context is the installation of the cabvision network in London’s black cabs which shows limited pre-recorded television programmed interspersed with targeted advertising to taxicab passengers. Unlike the cabvision, cadio music and commercial programs are in FM broadcasting sound format.
Cadio focuses more on maximizing the ceiling and wall speakers of a narrowcast coverage. It can also be described as MIE; music, information & entertainment.
Cadio with no commercial is called ambient music.
With the inventions of digital audio player, liquid crystal display (LCD), and with a special designed booth system; cadio now is more practical if it is used in a point of sale.
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