Murders at Malexander

The Murders at Malexander (Malexandermorden in Swedish) was murders on the policemen Robert Karlström (30) and Olov Borén (42) at Malexander, Sweden, committed on 28 May 1999 by the bank robbers Tony Olsson, Andreas Axelsson and Jackie Arklöv.
Robbery and murders
2.50pm Jackie Arklöv and Andreas Axelsson get into Östgöta Enskilda Bank in Kisa, Östergötland with pistols and grenades and ski masks on the face and shout to people in the bank to lie down and not touch the alarms. They manipulate the cameras except one with black colour. When they're opening the bank vault, it has time-limited lock and during the lock-time they go around in the bank and clear the cashes.
Outside of the bank Tony Olsson guards with a Uzi and a ski mask on the face.
3.10pm they escape in a stolen Saab 9000 with 2 615 898,50 SEK. Axelsson drives, Olsson sits beside him and Arklöv sits in the back seat. They go towards Österbymo in about 140 km/h. The policeman Kennet Eklund hunts them.
At 3.13pm they keep firering to Kennet Eklund's vehicle. Eklund leaves the vehicle and escapes for trying to hide himself when the robbers throw grenades. He said that he heard a foreign male woice who shouted "The policeman lies hidden here down the fen!".
3.18pm Olsson, Axelsson and Arklöv leave the Saab and change to a Toyota Avensis. But an another police car follows them. The robber car stops at Lillsjön at Malexander and they fire the police car. Olsson shoots the first shots towards the police car's windshield. 4.10pm the radio communication with the policemen in the car, Robert Karlström, 30, and Olov Borén, 42, brakes, and their last voices are screaming in the radio.
The policemen are found killed. According to the Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science, Olov Borén got 5 shots, 1 in his neck and Robert Karlström got 3 shots, 1 in his forehead. Both of them worked at Mjölby.
Legal process
Axelsson, who was injured at the shooting, was captured at hospital. On 31 May Arklöv was captured in Tyresö. Olsson's wife helped Olsson with escaping from Sweden via Germany to Costa Rica, where he was captured after almost a week, and in Costa Rica 1 million SEK from the bank was found. Linköpings tingsrätt indicted them in 1999 Autumn and sentenced them life imprisonment on 18 January 2000.
Olsson and Axelsson confessed the bank robbery and that they were at Malexander but denied the police murders. Olsson argued that Arklöv killed the policemen and Arklöv confessed it on 8 June 2001. According to Arklöv, he took the policemen's weapon and shot them.
Olsson sat in the Hall Prison. During the night between 27 and 28 July 2004, he escaped from his jail, but was captured after 2 days.
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