Munnai Singh

Munnai Singh's are male born persons with the SINGH surname (as on birth certificates) as heriditary standard who are reknown for having haircuts & for being strictly nonmuslim (noncircumcised).
Adult Munnai Singh's are considered Kingly gentleman diplomats & have mostly Vegetarian Dietary requirements.
In this religion the dead are to be Cremated with remaining ashes(teeth etc) being scattered in a designated river of choice or kept inside a Vase.
Munnai Singh's are not accurately represented in the Media and are often placed exclusively as Hindu gotra(or Clan) religious denominations or falsely assumed to be AmritSingh(amritdhari) Sikhs.
Munnai Singh's should not be confused with Sikhs who regularly or normally wear Turbans.
Therefore the Identity of Munnai Singh's is unique and should not be confused with the the Identity of other religions. Furthermore seriously true Adult Munnai Singh's do not naively masquerade themselves into other religions and are reknown for not wearing everyday religious clothing items such as Turbans or Kara(religious arm bracelets) Jewellery etc...
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