
The 'mummybot' is an elusive pop cultural phenomenon that often defies explicit definition. Like UFO sighings it continualy crops up in the popular mileu, yet due to its ever shifing guise it is difficult to determine whether a specific incarnation is actually a member of the same evolutionary branch or an entirely new genre. This is not helped by imposters and clones who also mascarade as mummybot, sewing seeds of distrust and confusion.
The Schism
Knowing commentators and mummybot academics often reference the period known as 'the Schism'. Like the current status of mummybot, the exact details of the Schism are in dispute and any hope at a complete explication is probably lost. There are a couple of realistic competing theories, and many spurious ones.
A simple disagreement over direction lead the mummybot to split into two competing factions.
Reproductive isolation
After a period of separation mummybot split and was irreconcilably parted.
mummybot after the schism (A.S.)
Whatever the prehistory of mummybot, the resulting incarnations and reincarnations have created a diverse culture of entities.
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