Mukteshwari Degree College, Monirampur

Monirampur Degree College () is a college located in Manirampur, Jessore.
Monirampur Degree College is located in Haridaskati Union of Manirampur Upazila in Jessore District. It states on 3.80 acre land. The college is situated beside river Mukteshwari. The respected teachers built it in 1984. People named Tarun Mallik, Ronojit Mallik, Zibon Biswas, etc. donated land for this college.
Every year, at least, some students get GPA 5 in public exam. In 2008, the college become first in Jessore Education Board depending on result.
For becoming first in Jessore Education Board, the college received some Computers as award.
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